Monday, August 23, 2010

Zone Conference was the best ever!!!!!


so I was just was in another cyber for 30' minutes typing and the internet connection went out and so I lost everything I had written.  So sorry, so sorry, right now I feel like crap and this probably won't be very long.  Here's what the other one said.

I am sick.  Yesterday morning I threw up like 5 times.  No fun.  Right now I still don't feel good at all.  So yesterday I just stayed in bed all day.  But I have basically just been in the pench all week because last Monday Elder Cabranes hurt his ankle playing futbol.  But he was fine for that day, then Tuesday and Wednesday we worked so hard and walked ourselves into the ground!  So the day of zone conference,  Thursday, he said it hurt really bad.  So then Friday we stayed in all morning, I went on splits that night.  Then Saturday we stayed in all day as his ankle slowly got better.  Then yesterday I was sick, so basically we have just been in the pench all week!

But those 2 days we worked so hard!  We took no breaks.  Tuesday, I can make an accurate guess of at least 12 miles walking and Wednesday was even more.

This week I definitely haven't been as homesick.  So that's good.
Yesterday we didn't go to church and we found out that our 2 investigators with fechas didn't come to church so now we have to move their fechas back a week, to the 11th.  That is a touch disappointing.

Here's something to smile at. . . zone conference was the best ever!!!!!  It was so nice to see like the 60 other elders there, not my mtc comps though) and it was just so good.  A spiritual rebirth, it was energizing.  So good.  And it was fun because we had to get on a bus at 2:50AM to make it in time.  Then on the way back our bus left at 6:45PM and we didn´t get home till 1:30AM, a 5 hourish drive, because our bus broke down, then we hopped on another one and that broke down too.  But we eventually made it and it was a mini adventure.

Spanish is still way hard.  My understanding is improving though.  But still hard and I feel like a mute sometimes.

I should just stop writing because I am just thinking about all the bad going on right now.  Hopefully my comps ankle can get better and I can get totally healed so that tomorrow we can hit it hard.  Because I've realized that staying in the pench is really not fun at all.  There is no satisfaction.

You'll laugh at this.  Some things I have eaten.  We eat with members alot . . one time we showed up at this house and it was still cooking; noodles and alfredo sauce.  The lady pulled out 2 cans of tuna and asked me and my comp to open them.  And to my horror, she dumped then in the alfredo sauce.  So that was fun, and yes I ate all of it!

Another one was a lady brought out the appetizer which was potates that had been cut in cubes and boiled.  They looked so good.  But then she drenched them in mayonnaise!!!  It was awful to watch.  They were just soaked in mayonnaise.  It was ehhh yeah, I don't like mayonnaise.
Wow I have been looking forwad to this email time all week.  I live for this.  But I just don´t know what to say.

I feel the influence of your prayers.  Thank you for being an awesome family.  Thank you so much.  At zone conference, President talked to me for a bit and talked about tasting the bitter and tasting the sweet.  He said that a South America Mission was the best way to grow up.  So right now I am definitely tasting a little bit of bitter.  But I find comfort in the scriptures.  All things will work together for my good.  It will be okay.  I can get through this.  Thank you again for everything.

Just know that I am ok.  I am living my dream right now.  I am in argentina!  I just didn´t know my dream would be so hard.  Yeah, people say that a missino is the best 2 years and the hardest 2 years.  I never really thought hard about that.

I love you mom, thank you.

I love you too dad.

The best parents ever.